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Presbyterian Schools Offering Associate's Degrees

Offered In
Associate's degrees with concentration in accounting, engineering, and hospitality and 7 other programs are offered by 9 Presbyterian schools in 8 states. The most Presbyterian schools providing associate's degrees are in Pennsylvania (2 schools), Tennessee (1 school), Kentucky (1 school), West Virginia (1 school), and Mississippi (1 school).

The best Presbyterian associate's degree programs in the United States are offered by Belhaven University. That school has an excellent Presbyterian associate's degree program: four-star rating for curriculum and five stars for teaching.

The top nine Presbyterian schools awarding associate's degrees are below. To check all Presbyterian schools and colleges offering associate's degrees, please narrow your search by state or major.

Top 9 Presbyterian associate's degree programs:

Belhaven University - Presbyterian School Ranking
1. Belhaven University

Jackson, MS, 2 associate's programs

Carroll University - Presbyterian School Ranking
2. Carroll University

Waukesha, WI, 1 associate's program

Geneva College - Presbyterian School Ranking
3. Geneva College

Beaver Falls, PA, 3 associate's programs

University of Pikeville - Presbyterian School Ranking
4. University of Pikeville

Pikeville, KY, 3 associate's programs

Montreat College - Presbyterian School Ranking
5. Montreat College

Montreat, NC, 1 associate's program

Wilson College - Presbyterian School Ranking
6. Wilson College

Chambersburg, PA, 3 associate's programs

Bethel University - Presbyterian School Ranking
7. Bethel University

McKenzie, TN, 6 associate's programs

Davis & Elkins College - Presbyterian School Ranking
8. Davis & Elkins College

Elkins, WV, 6 associate's programs

Missouri Valley College - Presbyterian School Ranking
9. Missouri Valley College

Marshall, MO, 2 associate's programs

Presbyterian associate's degrees by state:

Schools by State1 Presbyterian Associate's Degree Schools in Kentucky1 Presbyterian Associate's Degree Schools in Mississippi1 Presbyterian Associate's Degree Schools in Missouri1 Presbyterian Associate's Degree Schools in North Carolina2 Presbyterian Associate's Degree Schools in Pennsylvania1 Presbyterian Associate's Degree Schools in Tennessee1 Presbyterian Associate's Degree Schools in West Virginia1 Presbyterian Associate's Degree Schools in Wisconsin

Presbyterian associate's degrees by major:

Accounting: 3 Presbyterian schools
Business: 7 Presbyterian schools
Computer: 1 Presbyterian school
Education: 3 Presbyterian schools
Engineering: 1 Presbyterian school
Hospitality: 1 Presbyterian school
Management: 7 Presbyterian schools
Nursing: 3 Presbyterian schools
Police: 3 Presbyterian schools
Social Work: 2 Presbyterian schools

Other Presbyterian diplomas:

Certificates: 22 Presbyterian schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 55 Presbyterian schools
Master's Degrees: 46 Presbyterian schools
Doctoral Degrees: 19 Presbyterian schools © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology