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Presbyterian Schools Offering Business Master's Degrees

In 2024, we ranked 22 Presbyterian schools providing business master's degrees.

The best business master's degree program in the United States is offered by University of Tulsa. That Presbyterian school offers an excellent business master's degree program - five-star rating for curriculum and five stars for teaching as well.

Check the top Presbyterian schools providing business master's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Presbyterian business master's degree schools:

University of Tulsa - Presbyterian School Ranking
1. University of Tulsa

Located in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Belhaven University - Presbyterian School Ranking
2. Belhaven University

Located in Jackson, Mississippi

Carroll University - Presbyterian School Ranking
3. Carroll University

Located in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Arcadia University - Presbyterian School Ranking
4. Arcadia University

Located in Glenside, Pennsylvania

Waynesburg University - Presbyterian School Ranking
5. Waynesburg University

Located in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania

University of Dubuque - Presbyterian School Ranking
6. University of Dubuque

Located in Dubuque, Iowa

King University - Presbyterian School Ranking
7. King University

Located in Bristol, Tennessee

Queens University of Charlotte - Presbyterian School Ranking
8. Queens University of Charlotte

Located in Charlotte, North Carolina

Millikin University - Presbyterian School Ranking
9. Millikin University

Located in Decatur, Illinois

Geneva College - Presbyterian School Ranking
10. Geneva College

Located in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

Mary Baldwin University - Presbyterian School Ranking
11. Mary Baldwin University

Located in Staunton, Virginia

University of Pikeville - Presbyterian School Ranking
12. University of Pikeville

Located in Pikeville, Kentucky

Whitworth University - Presbyterian School Ranking
13. Whitworth University

Located in Spokane, Washington

Westminster College New Wilmington - Presbyterian School Ranking
14. Westminster College New Wilmington

Located in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania

Hastings College - Presbyterian School Ranking
15. Hastings College

Located in Hastings, Nebraska

Montreat College - Presbyterian School Ranking
16. Montreat College

Located in Montreat, North Carolina

Grove City College - Presbyterian School Ranking
17. Grove City College

Located in Grove City, Pennsylvania

Schreiner University - Presbyterian School Ranking
18. Schreiner University

Located in Kerrville, Texas

Muskingum University - Presbyterian School Ranking
19. Muskingum University

Located in New Concord, Ohio

St. Andrews University - Presbyterian School Ranking
20. St. Andrews University

Located in Laurinburg, North Carolina

Bethel University - Presbyterian School Ranking
21. Bethel University

Located in McKenzie, Tennessee

Tusculum University - Presbyterian School Ranking
22. Tusculum University

Located in Greeneville, Tennessee

Presbyterian schools offering other master's degrees:

Trinity University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Trinity University

Located in San Antonio, 9 master's programs

Rhodes College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Rhodes College

Located in Memphis, 2 master's programs

Princeton Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Princeton Theological Seminary

Located in Princeton, 2 master's programs

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Located in Pittsburgh, 1 master's program

Presbyterian business master's degrees by state:

Schools by State1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Illinois1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Iowa1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Kentucky1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Mississippi1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Nebraska3 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in North Carolina1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Ohio1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Oklahoma5 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Pennsylvania3 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Tennessee1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Texas1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Virginia1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Washington1 Presbyterian Business Master's Degree Schools in Wisconsin

Other Presbyterian business diplomas:

Certificates: 7 Presbyterian schools
Associate's Degrees: 7 Presbyterian schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 51 Presbyterian schools

Other Presbyterian master's degrees:

Accounting: 4 Presbyterian schools
Arts: 5 Presbyterian schools
Biology: 4 Presbyterian schools
Chemistry: 2 Presbyterian schools
Computer: 5 Presbyterian schools
Dance: 2 Presbyterian schools
Education: 30 Presbyterian schools
Engineering: 1 Presbyterian school
Environmental: 1 Presbyterian school
Finance: 1 Presbyterian school
Geology: 1 Presbyterian school
Graphic Design: 1 Presbyterian school
History: 3 Presbyterian schools
Journalism: 3 Presbyterian schools
Foreign Languages: 3 Presbyterian schools
Law: 1 Presbyterian school
Literature: 2 Presbyterian schools
Management: 5 Presbyterian schools
Mathematics: 4 Presbyterian schools
Medical: 9 Presbyterian schools
Music: 6 Presbyterian schools
Nursing: 10 Presbyterian schools
Occupational Therapy: 2 Presbyterian schools
Performing Arts: 2 Presbyterian schools
Petroleum: 1 Presbyterian school
Philosophy: 1 Presbyterian school
Physics: 2 Presbyterian schools
Police: 2 Presbyterian schools
Politics: 1 Presbyterian school
Psychology: 14 Presbyterian schools
Social Work: 3 Presbyterian schools
Sociology: 4 Presbyterian schools
Sport: 2 Presbyterian schools
Theatre: 3 Presbyterian schools
Theology: 11 Presbyterian schools

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