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Presbyterian Schools Offering Dance Certificates

In 2024, we rated 1 Presbyterian school awarding dance certificates.

The only one Presbyterian school which offers dance certificate is Belhaven University. That Presbyterian school offers an excellent dance certificate program evaluated with four stars for curriculum and five stars for teaching.

Check the top Presbyterian schools offering dance certificates below or narrow your search by state.

Presbyterian dance certificate schools:

Belhaven University - Presbyterian School Ranking
1. Belhaven University

Located in Jackson, Mississippi

Presbyterian schools offering other certificates:

University of Tulsa - Presbyterian School Ranking
University of Tulsa

Located in Tulsa, 2 certificate programs

Rhodes College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Rhodes College

Located in Memphis, 1 certificate program

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Located in Pittsburgh, 2 certificate programs

Arcadia University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Arcadia University

Located in Glenside, 6 certificate programs

Agnes Scott College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Agnes Scott College

Located in Decatur, 2 certificate programs

Carroll University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Carroll University

Located in Waukesha, 3 certificate programs

Waynesburg University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Waynesburg University

Located in Waynesburg, 1 certificate program

Queens University of Charlotte - Presbyterian School Ranking
Queens University of Charlotte

Located in Charlotte, 17 certificate programs

University of Dubuque - Presbyterian School Ranking
University of Dubuque

Located in Dubuque, 1 certificate program

Millikin University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Millikin University

Located in Decatur, 4 certificate programs

King University - Presbyterian School Ranking
King University

Located in Bristol, 1 certificate program

Mary Baldwin University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Mary Baldwin University

Located in Staunton, 1 certificate program

University of Pikeville - Presbyterian School Ranking
University of Pikeville

Located in Pikeville, 1 certificate program

Whitworth University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Whitworth University

Located in Spokane, 7 certificate programs

Bloomfield College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Bloomfield College

Located in Bloomfield, 6 certificate programs

Montreat College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Montreat College

Located in Montreat, 2 certificate programs

Schreiner University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Schreiner University

Located in Kerrville, 2 certificate programs

Bethel University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Bethel University

Located in McKenzie, 1 certificate program

McCormick Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
McCormick Theological Seminary

Located in Chicago, 1 certificate program

Union Presbyterian Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Union Presbyterian Seminary

Located in Richmond, 1 certificate program

Tusculum University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Tusculum University

Located in Greeneville, 1 certificate program

Presbyterian dance certificates by state:

Schools by State1 Presbyterian Dance Certificate Schools in Mississippi

Other Presbyterian dance diplomas:

Bachelor's Degrees: 9 Presbyterian schools
Master's Degrees: 2 Presbyterian schools

Other Presbyterian certificates:

Accounting: 1 Presbyterian school
Arts: 1 Presbyterian school
Biology: 1 Presbyterian school
Business: 7 Presbyterian schools
Computer: 2 Presbyterian schools
Education: 8 Presbyterian schools
Finance: 2 Presbyterian schools
Journalism: 2 Presbyterian schools
Foreign Languages: 1 Presbyterian school
Management: 7 Presbyterian schools
Marketing: 2 Presbyterian schools
Medical: 5 Presbyterian schools
Music: 1 Presbyterian school
Nursing: 5 Presbyterian schools
Occupational Therapy: 1 Presbyterian school
Psychology: 2 Presbyterian schools
Social Work: 1 Presbyterian school
Sociology: 1 Presbyterian school
Sport: 1 Presbyterian school
Theatre: 1 Presbyterian school
Theology: 3 Presbyterian schools

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