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Presbyterian Schools in Chicago, Illinois

in the area
Chicago, Illinois is an OK place to get Presbyterian diploma. The only school which offers that option in the city is McCormick Theological Seminary. That Presbyterian school has a decent quality programs - four-star rating for curriculum and two-star rating for teaching.

There are eight more Presbyterian schools near Chicago. Read the details about all schools offering Presbyterian programs around the city below.

Presbyterian schools in Chicago, Illinois:

McCormick Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking

Presbyterian schools near Chicago, Illinois:

Carroll University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Carroll University

Located in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Millikin University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Millikin University

Located in Decatur, Illinois

University of Dubuque - Presbyterian School Ranking
University of Dubuque

Located in Dubuque, Iowa

Alma College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Alma College

Located in Alma, Michigan

Illinois College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Illinois College

Located in Jacksonville, Illinois

Coe College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Coe College

Located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Blackburn College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Blackburn College

Located in Carlinville, Illinois

Hanover College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Hanover College

Located in Hanover, Indiana

Presbyterian schools in other IL cities:

Carlinville: 1 Presbyterian school
Decatur: 1 Presbyterian school
Jacksonville: 1 Presbyterian school

Illinois Presbyterian schools by program:

Accounting: 3 Presbyterian schools
Agriculture: 2 Presbyterian schools
Arts: 3 Presbyterian schools
Biology: 3 Presbyterian schools
Business: 3 Presbyterian schools
Chemistry: 3 Presbyterian schools
Computer: 3 Presbyterian schools
Economics: 1 Presbyterian school
Education: 3 Presbyterian schools
Engineering: 2 Presbyterian schools
Environmental: 3 Presbyterian schools
Film: 1 Presbyterian school
Finance: 2 Presbyterian schools
History: 3 Presbyterian schools
Journalism: 2 Presbyterian schools
Foreign Languages: 3 Presbyterian schools
Law: 1 Presbyterian school
Literature: 3 Presbyterian schools
Management: 3 Presbyterian schools
Marketing: 3 Presbyterian schools
Mathematics: 3 Presbyterian schools
Medical: 3 Presbyterian schools
Music: 3 Presbyterian schools
Nursing: 2 Presbyterian schools
Occupational Therapy: 1 Presbyterian school
Performing Arts: 3 Presbyterian schools
Philosophy: 1 Presbyterian school
Physics: 2 Presbyterian schools
Police: 2 Presbyterian schools
Politics: 3 Presbyterian schools
Psychology: 3 Presbyterian schools
Social Work: 2 Presbyterian schools
Sociology: 3 Presbyterian schools
Sport: 3 Presbyterian schools
Theatre: 3 Presbyterian schools
Theology: 1 Presbyterian school

Illinois Presbyterian schools by diploma:

Certificates: 2 Presbyterian schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 3 Presbyterian schools
Master's Degrees: 3 Presbyterian schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 Presbyterian school

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