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Presbyterian Schools Offering Master's Degrees in Iowa

Iowa Master's Degree SchoolsOffered In
Iowa is a fair state to get Presbyterian master's degree. There are 2 schools offering Presbyterian programs in Iowa, and the best opportunity is offered by University of Dubuque. This college offers a great Presbyterian master's degree program - four-star rating for curriculum and four-star rating for teaching as well.

Read the details about both Presbyterian schools offering master's degrees in Iowa below or narrow your search by program or city in Iowa.

Iowa Presbyterian master's degree schools:

University of Dubuque - Presbyterian School Ranking
1. University of Dubuque

Located in Dubuque, 3 master's programs

Buena Vista University - Presbyterian School Ranking
2. Buena Vista University

Located in Storm Lake, 8 master's programs

Presbyterian master's degrees in nearby states:

Carroll University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Carroll University

Located in Waukesha, WI, 12 master's programs

Millikin University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Millikin University

Located in Decatur, IL, 2 master's programs

Covenant Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Covenant Theological Seminary

Located in Saint Louis, MO, 3 master's programs

Hastings College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Hastings College

Located in Hastings, NE, 17 master's programs

Illinois College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Illinois College

Located in Jacksonville, IL, 2 master's programs

McCormick Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
McCormick Theological Seminary

Located in Chicago, IL, 2 master's programs

Missouri Valley College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Missouri Valley College

Located in Marshall, MO, 3 master's programs

Iowa Presbyterian master's degrees by major:

Business: 1 Presbyterian school
Education: 1 Presbyterian school
Journalism: 1 Presbyterian school
Management: 1 Presbyterian school
Psychology: 1 Presbyterian school
Theology: 1 Presbyterian school

Other Presbyterian diplomas in IA:

Certificates: 1 Presbyterian school
Bachelor's Degrees: 3 Presbyterian schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 Presbyterian school

Iowa Presbyterian schools by city:

Cedar Rapids: 1 Presbyterian school
Dubuque: 1 Presbyterian school
Storm Lake: 1 Presbyterian school

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