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Presbyterian Schools Offering Sociology Doctoral Degrees

We list 1 Presbyterian school providing sociology doctoral degrees.

The only Presbyterian school offering sociology doctoral degree is University of Tulsa. That Presbyterian school has an excellent sociology doctoral degree program: five-star rating for curriculum and five stars for teaching.

Check the top Presbyterian schools providing sociology doctoral degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Presbyterian sociology doctoral degree schools:

University of Tulsa - Presbyterian School Ranking
1. University of Tulsa

Located in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Presbyterian schools offering other doctoral degrees:

Presbyterian College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Presbyterian College

Located in Clinton, 2 doctoral programs

Hanover College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Hanover College

Located in Hanover, 1 doctoral program

Belhaven University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Belhaven University

Located in Jackson, 1 doctoral program

Princeton Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Princeton Theological Seminary

Located in Princeton, 1 doctoral program

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Located in Pittsburgh, 1 doctoral program

Arcadia University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Arcadia University

Located in Glenside, 2 doctoral programs

Carroll University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Carroll University

Located in Waukesha, 1 doctoral program

Waynesburg University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Waynesburg University

Located in Waynesburg, 2 doctoral programs

Millikin University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Millikin University

Located in Decatur, 4 doctoral programs

King University - Presbyterian School Ranking
King University

Located in Bristol, 1 doctoral program

University of Dubuque - Presbyterian School Ranking
University of Dubuque

Located in Dubuque, 1 doctoral program

Mary Baldwin University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Mary Baldwin University

Located in Staunton, 2 doctoral programs

University of Jamestown - Presbyterian School Ranking
University of Jamestown

Located in Jamestown, 1 doctoral program

Erskine College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Erskine College

Located in Due West, 1 doctoral program

University of Pikeville - Presbyterian School Ranking
University of Pikeville

Located in Pikeville, 1 doctoral program

Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Located in Austin, 1 doctoral program

Covenant Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Covenant Theological Seminary

Located in Saint Louis, 1 doctoral program

Memphis Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Memphis Theological Seminary

Located in Memphis, 1 doctoral program

Presbyterian sociology doctoral degrees by state:

Schools by State1 Presbyterian Sociology Doctoral Degree Schools in Oklahoma

Other Presbyterian sociology diplomas:

Certificates: 1 Presbyterian school
Bachelor's Degrees: 46 Presbyterian schools
Master's Degrees: 4 Presbyterian schools

Other Presbyterian doctoral degrees:

Biology: 1 Presbyterian school
Chemistry: 1 Presbyterian school
Computer: 1 Presbyterian school
Education: 2 Presbyterian schools
Engineering: 1 Presbyterian school
Geology: 1 Presbyterian school
Law: 1 Presbyterian school
Literature: 1 Presbyterian school
Mathematics: 1 Presbyterian school
Medical: 7 Presbyterian schools
Nursing: 4 Presbyterian schools
Occupational Therapy: 6 Presbyterian schools
Petroleum: 1 Presbyterian school
Pharmacy: 1 Presbyterian school
Physics: 1 Presbyterian school
Psychology: 2 Presbyterian schools
Theology: 7 Presbyterian schools

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