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University of the Ozarks: Presbyterian Ranking 2024

University of the OzarksRanked
in the USA
University of the Ozarks is a very small not-for-profit Presbyterian college located in Clarksville, Arkansas. This college is operating since 1834 and is currently offering bachelor's degrees in 26 programs.

University of the Ozarks is quite expensive - tuition cost is about $28,000 per year. If you are seeking a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in Arkansas listing.

It is reported that University of the Ozarks area is relatively unsafe - the school is reported to have a rather poor rating for personal safety.

Based on 69 evaluation metrics, University of the Ozarks Presbyterian program ranks in Top 100 Presbyterian Schools in the United States and The Second Best Presbyterian School in Arkansas. Major competitors for this college are University of Tulsa and Belhaven University in Jackson. Check the details about all twelve competitors and offered Presbyterian majors below.

SAT & ACT test scores for undergraduate programs:

Presbyterian programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

Second Best Presbyterian School in Arkansas
#27 Presbyterian School in the Southeast
#61 Presbyterian School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Best Presbyterian Medical Program in Arkansas
Best Presbyterian Environmental Program in Arkansas
Best Presbyterian Marketing Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Music Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Mathematics Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Performing Arts Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Philosophy Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Theatre Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Sociology Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Psychology Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Politics Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Management Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Foreign Languages Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Chemistry Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Business Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Biology Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Arts Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Economics Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Education Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Accounting Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Journalism Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian History Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Finance Program in Arkansas
Second Best Presbyterian Literature Program in Arkansas

Regional Ranking

#5 Presbyterian Finance Program in the Southeast
#8 Presbyterian Accounting Program in the Southeast
#9 Presbyterian Marketing Program in the Southeast
#12 Presbyterian Environmental Program in the Southeast
#12 Presbyterian Economics Program in the Southeast
#13 Presbyterian Foreign Languages Program in the Southeast
#14 Presbyterian Medical Program in the Southeast
#15 Presbyterian Journalism Program in the Southeast
#17 Presbyterian Performing Arts Program in the Southeast
#18 Presbyterian Philosophy Program in the Southeast
#18 Presbyterian Mathematics Program in the Southeast
#18 Presbyterian Politics Program in the Southeast
#19 Presbyterian Sociology Program in the Southeast
#19 Presbyterian Education Program in the Southeast
#19 Presbyterian Chemistry Program in the Southeast
#21 Presbyterian Music Program in the Southeast
#21 Presbyterian Theatre Program in the Southeast
#21 Presbyterian Management Program in the Southeast
#21 Presbyterian Business Program in the Southeast
#22 Presbyterian Psychology Program in the Southeast
#22 Presbyterian Arts Program in the Southeast
#22 Presbyterian Literature Program in the Southeast
#22 Presbyterian Biology Program in the Southeast
#23 Presbyterian History Program in the Southeast

National Ranking

#22 Presbyterian Finance Program in USA
#31 Presbyterian Marketing Program in USA
#32 Presbyterian Accounting Program in USA
#32 Presbyterian Economics Program in USA
#34 Presbyterian Environmental Program in USA
#35 Presbyterian Foreign Languages Program in USA
#40 Presbyterian Medical Program in USA
#40 Presbyterian Performing Arts Program in USA
#41 Presbyterian Journalism Program in USA
#43 Presbyterian Philosophy Program in USA
#44 Presbyterian Music Program in USA
#45 Presbyterian Politics Program in USA
#45 Presbyterian Sociology Program in USA
#45 Presbyterian Theatre Program in USA
#46 Presbyterian Management Program in USA
#47 Presbyterian Mathematics Program in USA
#47 Presbyterian Education Program in USA
#48 Presbyterian Chemistry Program in USA
#48 Presbyterian Business Program in USA
#49 Presbyterian Arts Program in USA
#50 Presbyterian History Program in USA
#51 Presbyterian Biology Program in USA
#51 Presbyterian Literature Program in USA
#52 Presbyterian Psychology Program in USA

Contact information:

University of the Ozarks
415 N College Ave
Clarksville, AR 72830
Phone: (479) 979-1000

Location map:

University of the Ozarks Location Map


Bachelor's degree

Business Teacher Education
Elementary Education and Teaching
Environmental Studies
General Biology
General Business Administration and Management
General Chemistry
General Drama and Theatre Arts
General Economics
General English Language and Literature
General Finance
General Fine and Studio Arts
General History
General Marketing and Marketing Management
General Mathematics
General Music
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
International Business, Trade and Commerce
Mass Communication
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching
Public Health Education and Promotion
Religious Studies
Spanish Language and Literature


Bachelor's degree

Environmental Studies
General Business Administration and Management
General Chemistry
General Economics
General Mathematics
General Political Science and Government
General Psychology
Mass Communication
Public Health Education and Promotion

Local competitors:

University of Tulsa - Presbyterian School Ranking
University of Tulsa

Tulsa, OK, 139 majors

Belhaven University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Belhaven University

Jackson, MS, 61 majors

Rhodes College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Rhodes College

Memphis, TN, 65 majors

Austin College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Austin College

Sherman, TX, 64 majors

Covenant Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Covenant Theological Seminary

Saint Louis, MO, 4 majors

Memphis Theological Seminary - Presbyterian School Ranking
Memphis Theological Seminary

Memphis, TN, 2 majors

College of the Ozarks - Presbyterian School Ranking
College of the Ozarks

Point Lookout, MO, 82 majors

Sterling College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Sterling College

Sterling, KS, 34 majors

Bethel University - Presbyterian School Ranking
Bethel University

McKenzie, TN, 39 majors

Westminster College Fulton - Presbyterian School Ranking
Westminster College Fulton

Fulton, MO, 69 majors

Lyon College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Lyon College

Batesville, AR, 38 majors

Missouri Valley College - Presbyterian School Ranking
Missouri Valley College

Marshall, MO, 47 majors

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